4 Tips To Prepare Your Home For Your Winter Vacation

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With the holiday season just around the corner, many Texas homeowners are planning vacations, get-togethers, and more, but winter weather can be a strong force against unattended homes. So before you head out the door for your winter wonderland adventures, follow these tips to keep your home protected from the elements.

Remove Perishables

Depending on the length of your holiday trip, it’s wise to empty your kitchen of perishable food before leaving. Ensure that any trash bins and garbage disposals are also clear of waste to keep bugs away and your kitchen clean. 


Power outages can be very common during winter storms and can cause irreparable damage to your appliances. So unplug any technology that won’t be in use while you are on vacation. Computers, TVs, and coffee makers all fall into this category. Homeowners that love to get into the holiday spirit should also consider setting their decorative lights on an automatic timer.

Secure The Property

Safeguard your home from cold weather and criminal activity by tightly sealing all windows, doors, and entryways. This can be a simple enough process, merely through store-bought caulk, sealant, or weather-specific products. Homeowners should also consider closing blinds to keep the warm air indoors and save on energy costs.

Protect Your Pipes

Pipe bursts can be challenging to deal with during freezing temperatures, especially when you’re receiving a call about it while on a beach vacation! So turn off your water supply and ensure there aren’t any leaks before jumping on that plane.

There’s nothing more exciting than the promise of a stunning (and relaxing!) holiday vacation. So before you book that hotel and plan your winter getaway, check these items off your list. This will ensure you won’t be carrying any unnecessary worries on vacation with you! Learn more tips about winterizing your Texas home by contacting us here!

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